Illustrated Cartoon character with a beard smiling, wearing a purple and white cap and AirPods, holding an iPad, on a coral pink background. Cham•Informal


Ĭn-fôr′məl: having relaxed or unofficial style.

An Informal side blog for short and casual eclectic entries; scribbles/snippets/noting/collecting/archiving.
Each entry is aimed at 500 words or fewer.

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For extended thoughts and perspectives on a selection of topics I find informative, intriguing, inspirational or super cool, visit my main blog: Chamline.

By Habib:

🫶🏿 Family • 😀 Happiness • ✌🏿Peace. 

👨🏿‍✈️ (Un)Professional DadTaxi™️ driver to my kids. 

🤩 Big fan of Emojis & GIFs.

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