Illustrated Cartoon character with a beard smiling, wearing a purple and white cap and AirPods, holding an iPad, on a coral pink background. Chamā€¢Informal
April 8th, 2024

šŸ™ļø ChamFoto Exhibit #1 - Highway

šŸ¤³ Photography

Letā€™s kick off this mobile photo exhibit series with a rare, calm, serene photo of London one early Saturday morning. Shot entering Ladbroke Grove on my way to work. Never saw this stretch of road this quiet and peaceful. Not a single vehicle in front, to the side or behind me. Almost felt like I was in one of those Zombie Apocalypse film scenes with the calm before the storm hits.

Empty highway with a billboard and twin high-rise buildings against a clear sky, with the sun just above the horizon.
Empty highway with a billboard and twin high-rise buildings against a clear sky, with the sun just above the horizon.

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