Illustrated Cartoon character with a beard smiling, wearing a purple and white cap and AirPods, holding an iPad, on a coral pink background. Chamā€¢Informal
April 3rd, 2024

šŸ¤³ ChamFoto Exhibits

šŸ¤³ Photography

For a very long time now, I have been wanting to revive my love of mobile photography (Who remembers iPhoneography?).

I see you cringing at that name, sorry šŸ˜„.

Anyway, I loved and miss my days of active iPhone photography when I used to go for long photo walks snapping away at anything of interest that caught my eye, then returning home to edit and share them online ā€” Instagram in particular (Who remembers when it used to be about photography?).

I see you cringing, again, sorry. šŸ˜„šŸ˜„

That's strike two, Iā€™m going for the hat trick, keep reading!

As mentioned, part of the revival plans is to look into creating a dedicated photography gallery section on my main blog on Chamline. While I look into the best ways of implementing that, I thought better get the ball rolling now and make the most of Scribblesā€™ unlimited blog offering under the Lifetime plan and create a blog dedicated to mobile photography ā€” a test bed of sorts to grow and maintain consistency with daily efforts to look for snaps in whatever environment I find myself, a must, if this revival is to be fruitful.

Then again, I question whether is it really necessary? A third blog? Surely, youā€™re the kind that advocates for ā€˜Less is moreā€™ā€¦ why not just share them on this here blog. I mean, if this revival endeavour is fruitful, youā€™ll be hosting it all on your main blog on Chamline, anyway.

So there it is, a decision made. Chamā€¢Informal will be hosting some mobile photography now as well. Every single photo or gallery entry will be titled ā€˜ChamFoto Exhibit #1ā€™ and so forth to keep up with the blog's short title theme. And unless the photo calls for a backstory, there won't be any accompanying text to the entry but, Iā€™ll make sure each photo gets a caption and/or AltText description.

Simple, no new blog fresh RSS feed for you to subscribe to and, one less blog for me to manage.

šŸ‘‡ If you have any comments/feedback, Iā€™d be happy to hear from you.

Bravo! You made it to the end wondering what despicable cringe-fest will he remind us about this time for strike three? There isnā€™t one, but, I appreciate you reading, though. šŸ™

(Waitā€¦ was that deception, strike three?) šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„