Illustrated Cartoon character with a beard smiling, wearing a purple and white cap and AirPods, holding an iPad, on a coral pink background. Cham•Informal
May 18th, 2024

✍️ Pixar SparkShorts

🎭 Entertainment

I subscribed to Disney+ for a month to watch the show ‘Shogun’ — fantastic production and exceptionally entertaining.

The month-long subscription allowed me to catch up with other shows on the platform, in particular the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3.

Icon of a film clapperboard with comedy and tragedy masks.

I was desiring more animation goodness following The Bad Batch. I decided to check out Pixar’s Sparkshorts animated series and loved each one of them. Some great storytelling with teachable, relatable and downright hit you in the feels storytelling that evoked a few emotions. 

My favourites — in no particular order — are Nona, Loop, Float, Twenty Something. The long-running series also has a documentary ‘A Spark Story’, telling the story behind two Pixar filmmakers striving to bring their uniquely personal SparkShorts visions to the screen.