Illustrated Cartoon character with a beard smiling, wearing a purple and white cap and AirPods, holding an iPad, on a coral pink background. Cham•Informal
April 7th, 2024

🐘 Scribbles Mona App Theme

✏️ Scribbles

Scribbles blog has a very lovely colour palette, especially for dark mode. The desaturated blue and yellow complement each other very well. I love it.

Mona for Mastodon

Mona is a Mastodon app packed with customisation features. Optimised for VoiceOver. Native design.

One of the customisation features of Mona is the ability to customise the app's colour scheme using the Theme editor (a Mona Pro Feature) to create custom themes. You can also install custom themes shared by others by looking at the #MonaTheme, or the specific hashtag used by yours truly, #ChaMona.

Of course, a Mona app theme dressed in the Scribbles blog colour palette made sense.

The dark Mode theme was very well received — even Vincent, creator of Scribbles, may or may not have signed up for Mona Pro because of the theme. 😉

Scribbles Blog Dark & Light - A Mona app theme
Scribbles Blog Dark & Light - A Mona app theme

If you use Mastodon and Mona App, have a look at the Scribbles Blog Dark & Light Themes.